miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2007

Removing soluble particles by evaporating

Filtering Experiment

W.A.L.T. remove insoluble particles from dirty water by filtering

What we used: APPARATUS
filter paper, a funnel, dirty water, a beaker

What we did: METHOD
1. We folded the filter paper in quarters.
2. We placed the filter paper in the funnel.
3. We placed the funnel in the beaker.
4. We carefully and slowly poured the dirty water into the filter paper.
5. We waited.

What happened: RESULT
Seemingly cleaner water trickled though the funnel into the beaker. Insoluble particles remained in the filter paper.

What we learnt: CONCLUSION
By filtering water, we removed insoluble particles from dirty water but we learnt that filtering does not remove bacteria.

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2007

Still life: personal objects

Still Life: Apples and oranges in oil pastels

Our classroom

Addition and subtraction

Windmills-following instructions

  • Use clear short sentences

  • Have what you need first

  • Follow a logical sequence

  • Use bullet points

  • Provide diagrams

  • Number the instructions

  • Use the imperative

Fables inspired by Paul Klee

The Ant and the Dove
The Crow and the Fox

The Crow and the Fox

The Tortoise and the Hare

The Ant and the Dove

The Ant and the Dove

The Cat´s Invitation