jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Dream Sequences
With Mrs Welsted, we talked about dreams. In groups, we remembered one dream and planned it using a story board. We then recorded it using a digital camera and added some effects to distort it and emphasise the bizarre elements of dreams.

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martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Monster Similes

Similes are used to compare two things and use the words "like" or "as". We read the poem "As, as, as...." by Robert Hull, "A red, red Rose" by Robert Burns and "Flint" by Christina Rossetti. We found many examples of similes. We then invented our own monster similes to describe these monsters.

The Magic Box

With Mrs. Welsted, we read " The Magic Box" by Kit Wright. We wrote our own "Magic Box" poems in groups using random objects to inspire us.

Separating solids

We analysed earth from Mars. Teacher gave us a variety of materials to make our own sieves and colanders. We even made a funnel. We removed the biggest particles first.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Go and Open the Window

With Mrs. Welsted, we read "The Door", a poem translated from Czech. We looked through a window at a surrealist painting and described what we saw.

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

SCIENCE: Solids and Liquids and separating them

Revise for our class test on Tuesday 9th March at home using this site.
